How to care for an old cat

Old cat

We would like our friends to live as long as we do, but we know that unfortunately this is not the case. They grow very fast, to become more adorable felines if possible, we really enjoy their company, but sooner or later they will grow old. Although it is known that they age at an average age of 10 years, in reality there are some that start earlier and others later, depending mainly on the race and their health.

We know that the day will come when you will no longer be as active as before, but it is important to know too how to care for an old cat so that I can continue to have happy days by your side.

Feeding an old cat

Over the years, you can lose teeth, so you can no longer chew as well as when you were young. When that happens it is highly recommended to go on to give him wet feed, as this will make it much easier for you to eat it. In addition, this type of food is much more smelly, so you will be very attracted to it and will eat it all without hesitation.

Taking care of your hair

A cat is an extremely clean animal that spends much of its time grooming itself. However, as he gets older, little by little he gets less clean, and his hair will lose its shine. To avoid it, we have to take care of him, brushing it daily and wiping it with a cloth or small towel dipped in warm water to remove dirt once a month.

Visits to the vet

As also happens to humans, over the years the body weakens. Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, kidney problems, arthritis, among others, can affect our friends. Therefore, it is essential go to the vet once a year for a full review. This way, any problem can be detected in time.

Old gray cat

With these tips, your cat, even if it is old, will continue to be very happy, for sure 🙂.

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      Jose-Luis Olivera Bravo said

    The best therapy to "feed" an older cat is love, giving him all the love one feels for him. I have cats and I love them to rage. They are very interesting little animals and that over time they become very loved.

         Monica sanchez said

      Very true 🙂