How to take care of the cat's ears

How to take care of the cat's ears. The ears are a very important part of the body for these animals, since they not only serve to maintain balance, but also allow them to hear sounds as faint as a rodent at an incredible distance of 7 meters. Therefore, one of our responsibilities towards him is to keep them clean, but how?

Our friend does not usually like to have his ears manipulated, so we will have no choice but to prepare the room (and ourselves) before we get to it.

So before we start you have to take a deep breath as many times as necessary, releasing the air little by little. Only once we feel really comfortable and, above all, calm, will we get to work. If we do it before, the only thing that we will achieve is that the furry feels very stressed, with which it could bite and / or scratch us, hence it is so important that we are calm.

Once this first step is done, what you have to do now is prepare what we are going to need, which is: some clean gauze and eye drops for the ears of the cats that the veterinarian has prescribed. In the event that our feline is generally nervous, we will also need a towel.

When we have everything, it will be time to move on to the next step: clean his ears. How to do it? A) Yes:

  1. One person should pick up the cat gently, and position it so that it is crouched on a flat surface. If it is a nervous animal, to avoid unnecessary risk it will be wrapped with a towel.
  2. While holding it, the other person should moisten a gauze with a little eye drops, and pass it over the pinna (the outermost part) of the ear.
  3. As soon as one is clean, you will clean the other using another gauze.

These steps must be repeated at least once a week. In this way, we will make sure that your ears are perfectly cared for.

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