We often think that a cat, being a small animal, can live and adapt without problems in an apartment. And this, although it is totally true, may stop being so when we bring a second cat or even when we have a party.
The furry, if he lived in his natural state, in situations of tension or stress, what he would do would be to move away, but of course, living in a house often cannot do so. So for him to be happy we have to ask ourselves how much space does a cat need and look to provide it.
To find the best answer to that question, we have to look at stray cats or cats that go outside. Male cats that are "whole", that is, they have not been neutered, often stray far enough from the feline colony, to the point that they may go 3 or 4 blocks further; the "whole" females also leave, but much less, 1 or 2 apples. On the contrary, if they are castrated, the cats wander 1 or 2 blocks at the most, and the females always stay in the area, going no more than two blocks away.
In the case of cats that are always at home, in stressful situations we will always see that they go to the room furthest from said situation or environment. They need it. Felines have a very low tolerance for stress, and any change can affect them greatly. That is why, before even adopting it, we have to reserve a room. In this space you will go to feel good, whenever you want to be alone or with someone in particular (for example, your favorite human).
Moreover, It will be useless to have a place for him if we do not take care of him as he deserves. As his family, we must give him a lot of love and play with him every day. Only then can you be truly happy, even if you live in a small apartment.