Cats are generally strong animals, they do not usually have major diseases; However, like us, they are also susceptible to multiple pathologies, such as those caused by fungi. In order for them to recover as soon as possible, we must pay close attention to them and observe them daily, since any small change in their routine can be a sign that their health is weakening.
For this reason, We are going to tell you everything you need to know about fungus in cats: how they can be spread, the symptoms they have, and much, much more.
How can a cat kill fungus?
Fungi are microorganisms that reproduce very quickly; However, when we realize that our furry beloved has these microorganisms, they have already started to cause several problems that we will now see.
There are two main ways you can get infected, and they are:
- Having had contact with a sick catWhether you've mated, licked a wound, or been scratched by the sick cat.
- Contagion from mothers to fetuses: If the mother has fungi, they can reach the little kittens through the umbilical cord.
In any case, if our furry is sick we have to keep it away from the rest of the animals in the house, since dermatophytosis or ringworm, which is how the fungal disease is called, is very contagious.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of ringworm are very varied, and cause a lot of discomfort to the infected animal. Knowing and identifying them is crucial so that you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible. They are as follows:
- Constant itching: It will be scratched a lot and often, which may cause injury.
- Circular lesions appear on the head, ears and legs: caused by the fungus.
- Skin flakes: it may appear as if the animal is dehydrated.
- You may have nail injuries- Its health is weakened, so that its claws can be injured or easily broken.
- The cat has areas where its hair does not grow: either from scratching so much or directly caused by the fungus.
Diagnosis of ringworm in cats
If our cat has one or more symptoms of the aforementioned, the first thing we have to do is go to the vet as soon as possible. If we let it pass, the cat's life could be in serious danger; so it is important to consult a professional at the first suspicion of disease in the animal.
Once at the clinic or veterinary hospital, do a complete physical exam and mushroom culture to find out, not only if they are present in the body, but also to determine which fungal strain is causing the disease.
How is it treated?
Fungal disease It is treated with antifungal medications that the veterinarian will describe to us. These can be administered orally (pills), or topically (creams). In some cases, it may be necessary to combine both treatments.
We must have patience, since diseases caused by fungi take time to cure, so it is very important that we commit to follow the instructions that the veterinary professional has told us.
Can you avoid fungus in cats?
Not 100%, but yes, there are a number of things we can do to make our dear friends as safe as possible.
- Food: There is nothing like giving you a high quality meal (without grains or by-products) so that your immune system can perform its functions correctly.
- Hygiene: good hygiene is essential to avoid, to a large extent, fungi. Therefore, we must remove the stools daily, clean the litter box thoroughly once a week, and keep the house clean.
- SOL: whenever possible, we have to expose the cat to the sun in the morning or in the afternoon, never during the central hours of the day. Sunlight is very good for the skin (if it is not exposed for a long time, of course).
And with this we are done. We hope you find it useful 🙂.