Have you ever wanted to give your cat a fruit or vegetable, but didn't know which one? The fruits and vegetables they can be used as a treat, despite the fact that the animal is a strict carnivore. And fortunately for us, and also for him, we can give him a great variety of these foods.
Without further delay, let's know what they are.
Many cats love fruit and / or vegetables, but you must bear in mind that this it should not account for more than 10 or 15% of your daily diet, since your body does not need it as much as taurine (an amino acid found in animal protein that helps, among other things, to maintain healthy eyes). For this reason, they can be given a piece from time to time, previously washed with water, without skin or bone, but avoiding excesses.
Discover the best fruits and vegetables to give your furry:
Among the latests Moravia's compositions fruits healthier for your furry we found apple, pear, melon, peach, strawberries and, of course, watermelon. In addition, many of them you will start to find for sale now, in summer, since it is harvest season. Take the opportunity to give it something natural and, above all, different! It is likely that he will end up loving it, and will ask you for more.
The vegetables They should be cooked before providing them to the animal, so that they can digest them more easily. Among the most recommended we have green peas, asparagus, lettuce, pumpkin, Green bean, carrot y cucumber.
From time to time it is not bad that our cat can taste a piece of fruit or vegetables. Especially now that the heat is on, you will almost certainly choose to take a good bite of some fresh fruit, such as watermelon. Thus, in addition to staying cool, will ingest water, something very necessary to avoid urine infections.
Do you give your cat fruits and vegetables?