Cat Savannah, the »heavyweight» of the cat world

Savannah Cat

They are one of the "heaviest" but incredible cat breeds at the same time. At 11 kilos, about the weight of a small-medium dog, the savannah cat It has an enigmatic look, very reminiscent of that of big cats.

The behavior, however, is the same as that of any smaller breed cat; that is to say, he is calm, curious, active, and very affectionate.

Origin of the Savannah cat

Savannah Puppies

One week old Savannah puppies.

Our protagonist is an animal that originated in the 80s. At that time, it was decided cross domestic cats (Siamese, Egyptian, ocicat, oriental shorthair, and common shorthair) with the African serval, which is a small-medium-sized feline, but a little larger than the domestic cat, and with longer and thinner legs.

These crosses resulted in a cat that, while quite reminiscent of the serval, actually has a different character. This precious cat is more of a feline than can live with a family, especially those that have less serval blood, which are those of the F3 generation onwards.

Physical characteristics

Savannah Cat

This precious animal has the slim, slender body, with long, slender but sturdy legs. Its head is triangular, with quite large ears that end in a point. Its body is protected with short brown hair and with the typical black spots of the African serval.

The weight varies a lot depending on the generation to which it belongs: the more blood of the serval that runs through its veins, the larger it will be, and can weigh up to 11kg.

What is their behavior?

Savannah Cat

The behavior of this cat will test all the knowledge you have about felines. You have to know the body language of these animals since may surprise you a lot of. For this reason, it is not recommended if you do not have any experience in caring for cats.

The Savannah is a cat smart, curious, active, but it is also a excellent climber. He loves going outside, so from a young age it is convenient to get him used to wearing a harness and leash -for cats- so that, in this way, he can enjoy the outdoors without having to take any risk.

How much does a Savannah cat cost?

It is a breed that is not yet well known, and therefore there are not many breeders dedicated to its breeding, so it is a cat that can cost between the 1400 and 6700 euros.

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