My cat drinks a lot of water, is it normal?

Siamese cat drinking water

Water is an essential food for life. We may think that the more we drink, the better, but the reality is that extremes are very harmful to our health, and also to that of our cat friends. There are months during which it will take more, but if you start drinking a lot for no apparent reason, then we will have to start worrying. But, How do I know if my cat drinks a lot of water?

A healthy domestic cat needs 100ml of the precious liquid for every kilo of weight if you eat dry feed; This means that if you weigh 4kg, you will need 400ml, no more. In the event that the cat spends the day drinking, we must take it to the vet. Let us know why.

How to know if my cat drinks a lot of water

In addition to the above, there are some signs that will tell us that something is wrong. They are as follows:

  • Take any opportunity to drink. You can start drinking water from the tap, from the glasses that we leave on the countertops or tables, even from the toilets and / or bathtubs.
  • As a result of your excessive water intake, you have more need to urinate, so goes to your litter box more times.
  • You run out of water in your drinking fountain much faster Than I used to do before
  • Can being restless or uncomfortable.

Diseases you might be hiding

Cats are animals that will only let us know that they are wrong when they can no longer bear it. That is why it is so important to observe it daily, to detect any changes in its routine. In the event that you have started to drink more water than normal, there are a number of diseases that present the aforementioned symptom. The most common are:

Kidney failure

It is the most serious cause. Your kidneys are failing you, but an early diagnosis can avoid displeasure.


Diabetes appears when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which is responsible for introducing glucose into the cells. There are two kinds:

  • Type I: which is when cells cannot use glucose for energy.
  • Type II: when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin. This is the one that affects cats the most.


Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disease, the most frequent symptoms of which are pérdida peso (despite the animal having a normal appetite), hyperactivity, nervousness o vomitingIn addition increased water consumption.

What to do?

If your cat drinks more water than normal, you must take him to the vet. In no case should access to water be restricted, as it could be fatal.


Much encouragement.

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