It is very rare that our cat it gets to burnAlthough we know that it is very curious, it is strange that it is exposed to the danger of a burn. In the event that it does happen, its thick fur will protect it if it is burned with boiling water, hot oil or a fire in the kitchen.
In case it burns you should immediately consult with your veterinarian.
We will give you some tips for the first moments after it has burned:
Ice it using a bag or treat soaked in cold water. Never apply butter or skin cream to it.
Place the ice on the burn.
You can apply petroleum jelly on his wound. Try to cut the hair around the injured area, if your cat allows it.
In the event that the cat has been burned with Chemicals the essential thing is to wash your wound immediately. Dilute sodium bicarbonate or vinegar solutions have the ability to neutralize the effects of acids.
If the burns are caused by electric shock, which can be generated if the cat bites a wire, it may have burns on the tongue or in its mouth, in these cases it is essential that it be checked by your veterinarian to avoid subsequent disorders.
Keep in mind that a strong shock can be fatal to your cat.
Ice on the burn tends to be harmful, because it also causes a burn due to the effect of extreme cold.