Many people, in addition to enjoying having a cat as a pet, can love gardening at home, so they will surely have many plants in their home. Unfortunately, on many occasions, plants and cats are not a good combination, since the animals will love to play with them, nibble them, and dig in the soil of the pot to the point that they can end up destroying the silver or even kill it. As the option is not to get rid of your cat or your plants, today we bring you a series of tips that can help your animal not damage your plants.
If you begin to notice that your pet chews the leaves of the plants, it is best that you start sprinkling them with a bitter apple product that can be found in pet stores. In this way, with the flavor that it produces with the saliva mixture, your cat will begin to avoid biting or chewing them, which will not only generate relief but you will also be protecting your plants and the health of your animal. On many occasions the plants that we have at home or in the garden can be toxic for the little animal.
Another very common problem with cats and plants is that the former cannot see a plant without digging in its soil, so I recommend putting orange peels in the soil of the plants or in its pot. The intense smell emitted by the shells will make the cats move away and avoid approaching the plants, so you will protect your precious living beings.