Why is my cat hiding

Cat hiding behind the door

On any given day you come home, you call your precious furry and he does not come. You call him again, and you don't get any answer either. At this point, your level of concern is likely to begin to increase: where is my cat? You search all over the house, under beds, sofas and tables, behind furniture,… even in closets. And nothing.

Surely you have ever experienced something similar, right? However, if you know for sure that your friend has not been able to leave the home in any way, you will also know that at some point he must come out of hiding. And indeed: it always does. The question is: why do they give us these scares? This time we are going to talk about why is my cat hiding, in order to understand it better.

Cats need a space where they can relax after a stressful situation. In the case of those who have permission to go outside, as soon as they notice that the family environment begins to get a little tense, they will go for a walk to clear up. But of course, the furry ones who don't have that possibility they will choose to hide, anywhere. Thus, it is common for us to stop seeing them when we have visitors, especially if you are not used to them.

Now, they can also hide if they feel bad, so a visit to the veterinary clinic would not hurt. In this way, you can rule out health problems.

Why is my cat hiding

In any case, if your cat has hidden, we do not have to disturb him. Doing so will only make you want to hide even more, and for longer. It is better to wait for it to come out on its own and approach us voluntarily. Of course, when he does, do not forget to give him a prize (caresses, his favorite food, game).

As you can see, it is not necessary to worry excessively when we do not see the cat. Will always come out of hiding .

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