Like most companion animals, cats have a great tendency to have urine infections throughout his life. A health problem that we can diagnose ourselves by seeing traces of blood in their urine, or if we realize that the animal goes to its litter box fewer times, and when the visit expels very little liquid. It's like you want to but you can't, because you may feel itching and even pain in the urinary tract.
However, fortunately, solving this health problem is, in many cases, very simple. To see for yourself, you just have to keep reading to discover how to cure a urine infection in cats.
A good diet, that is, a I think of good quality, either dry or wet, whose ingredients have a very high percentage of meat (between 70 and 80%) and the rest are vegetables and / or vegetables -excluding cereals, which can cause the cat to have some kind of reaction allergic to not being able to digest them-, will help your furry to regain health. The BARF diet could be an alternative, as long as we know the amounts we should give it so that it does not lack any nutrients. Make sure he drinks the amount of water he needs -between 50 and 100ml per kilo of weight-, as this way he can eliminate the bacteria that cause the infection from his body.
Pharmaceutical products
If your cat is unwell, you should take him to the vet. Once the diagnosis is made, they will likely prescribe medications, such as antibiotics I anti-inflammatory. Antibiotics will attack the bacteria causing the infection, while anti-inflammatories will improve the general condition of the animal and relieve the itching caused by cystitis, which is an inflammation of the bladder wall which is frequently associated with urinary infections.
It is very important that do not give any medication without first consulting with a professional, since we could endanger the life of our cat.
Hello, I have a 4-year-old cat and he goes a lot to the litter box without urinating sometimes or just a few drops at the moment without blood, he eats well the problem is that he does not drink much water, I could give him water with a syringe so that he would drink more and urinate better thanks
Hi Jacqueline.
You most likely have a urine infection. My advice is that you take him to the vet as infections can put the animal at risk.
You can give him water with a syringe without a needle, or cans of wet food, but it is important to see a professional.