Cats are not animals that like to drink water from a drinking fountain. But they have a good reason for being this way: they have always obtained much of the precious element of the prey they have been hunting. When eating feed, and also dry, dehydration has become one of the main problems of these animals.
What can we do to help them? Very easy: giving them the following home remedies for dehydrated cats.
How do I know if my cat is dehydrated?
A cat that is dehydrated is an animal that will have a very low energy level, what will be seen sad and down, and you will not want to move much of your bed. Also, you won't be as interested in food, and your gums will feel dry. In severe cases, your eyes will be sunken, your skin will lose elasticity, and your organs will stop working normally.
Therefore, if we suspect that our furry has this problem we will have to take him to the vet as soon as possible.
What to do to help you?
Give little amount of water
First I will tell you what you do NOT have to do: give her a lot of water in one go. If you do this, the animal will vomit, its digestive tract will become irritated and its condition will worsen. Therefore, it is very important to fill the drinker with a small amount of water so that it is consuming it little by little.
Ice chips
Another thing we can offer you is ice cube chips. To prepare them, you simply have to fill a container that is resistant to ice with mineral water, put it in the freezer and wait for the ice to form. Later, with a spoon we will scrape the cube and offer the content to the cat. You should never give the whole ice cube because when it melts it will cause vomiting, as we mentioned before.
Homemade dehydrated cat serum
To prepare it need:
- 1 liter of mineral water
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
Now we have to follow this step step:
- We put the water to boil.
- We turn off the heat, and add the rest of the ingredients.
- We let it rest until it reaches room temperature.
- Lastly, it is offered to the cat in small doses.
This serum expires in 24 hours, and must be kept in the fridge, in a bottle.
Anyway, if it does not improve, or if it worsens, we will have to take it to the vet.
What Causes Dehydration in Cats?
Dehydration occurs when fluid levels drop below normal. This is due to reduced water intake or increased fluid loss. Overheating in hot weather, increased activity or an episode of vomiting or diarrhea can lead to fluid loss in cats.
Many owners do not see their cats drinking water and assume that they are not sensitive to water loss, but they are, although they may not drink fluids until they have lost up to eight percent of their body's water stores. That is why it is very important to give your cat access to fresh water at all times to maintain adequate hydration.
How much water does my cat need?
As your cat consumes more calories and produces more metabolic waste, it needs more water to maintain its body temperature. In general, an adult cat should drink approximately the same amount of water (in milliliters) as the number of kilocalories consumed per day.
Dry cat food is 7 to 12 percent waterwhile canned food can be up to 80 percent water. Cats that eat only dry food do not get as much water from their food as those that eat canned food, and they should always have easy access to clean drinking water to supplement their intake.
What are the general symptoms of dehydration in cats?
Next we are going to tell you what are the symptoms that a cat has when it begins to dehydrate. These symptoms are quite dangerous since if the cat does not rehydrate as soon as possible it could even endanger its life. The most notable symptoms are:
- Hollow eyes
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Dry mouth
- Depression
- Elevated heart rate
- Decreased elasticity of the skin
- Panting
Are Certain Cats Prone To Dehydration?
Cats most at risk of dehydration are those that suffer from various diseases, such as kidney disorders, cancer, and hyperthyroidism. Elderly and lactating cats can be prone to dehydration, as well as diabetic cats whose condition is not regularly monitored.
How is severe dehydration treated?
In the most serious cases where home rehydration is not having the desired effect, the vet will administer intravenous or subcutaneous fluids and perform additional tests, if necessary, to determine the underlying cause of the condition.
How can I prevent dehydration?
So that this does not happen to your cat again, it is important that you know how to prevent dehydration in your feline. Next we are going to give you some tips so that you can carry them out and that your cat's health is best taken care of at all times. The tips to follow are the following:
- Provide clean water to your cat at all times and change it frequently to ensure freshness. Also, don't forget to wash your pet's water bowl every day to prevent bacteria from forming.
- Observe your cat to determine his preference for getting water. Some cats prefer certain bowls, while others like tap water or bottled water. Other cats prefer water sources that can be found in many pet stores. Try placing multiple water bowls around the house for easy access.
- If your cat is recovering from an episode of diarrhea or vomiting, give him an ice cube to lick initially and provides small amounts of water at regular intervals to avoid overhydration too quickly.
- On a trip with your cat? In general, traveling is stressful for cats. Be aware that although motion sickness can cause nausea or vomiting in some cats, must have regular access to waterespecially after flying. You may want to bring extra water if you think access to water may be a problem.
- Monitor your cat's water intake. If you notice that he is drinking more or less than usual, make an appointment for a medical follow-up with the vet.
Always keep you hydrated
If your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea, she has likely lost fluids and may be at risk of dehydration. If he can drink, put him in a cool, quiet place with cool water. If he cannot drink, visit your vet as he may need a drip to avoid severe dehydration.
Even when your cat is in good health, she could be at risk of dehydration if you're not careful. You always have to make sure there is fresh and clean water available for your cat and, as we have told you before, wash the bowls daily. Ideally, place multiple water sources around your home.
Some cats have sensitive whiskers, so try giving them a wider bowl or cat water fountain. Many cats prefer plain water to water in a bowl, so a fountain may be a good idea if they are reluctant to drink.
Finally, if you drink little and eat dry pet food, which does not contain much water and cannot provide the hydration that your body needs, you have to make sure that you stay hydrated, especially during hot periods when your body loses a lot of water. Always keep a container of fresh water at your disposal. And if your cat doesn't appear to be hydrating properly, You can motivate him to do it by adding a little meat juice in sauce to his water to make it more appetizing..
It is important that you keep your cat hydrated and that you take care of its health. Your cat cannot tell you what is wrong with him, but you can observe him to see what is wrong with him and if he needs medical advice. In this sense, If you have any questions you have about your cat's health, the best idea is to go to the vet and ask.