As we all already know and surely we have seen or perhaps had this type of cat, they are one of the favorite breeds of most people, as they are very kind, calm and affectionate kittens. These cats, native to Thailand, have been one of the most popular breeds in the East and West since the 1880th century. The Siamese began to be known outside the Asian continent in the late XNUMXs, when some people from the diplomatic corps and leaders of foreign countries brought these kittens as gifts to family and friends.
Then, roughly between the 50s and 60s, the Siamese cat It reached its peak of popularity when many cat breeders began to breed them selectively. Today, after years of controlled breeding, we see today's Siamese cats, which look much more elegant, polished and beautiful. If you are one of those who still do not have a Siamese cat at home, but want one, it is important that you keep in mind that there are more than 12 species of cats, which come from this breed.
When these kittens are born, they are generally black and white, but as they grow and become adults, their coat color and texture change. Although most Siamese cats have the black fur with a patch of another tone or color, we can also find yellow, brown, white Siamese, among others. Similarly, the color of its muzzle may vary depending on the color of its body.
These animals are characterized, in addition to having a fairly slim and elegant body, because their face is triangular in shape, with a pointed snout and different colored eyes. They are usually quite sociable with children and easy to train, so your children can dedicate themselves to teaching them tricks that they will learn easily.
The characteristics you describe are only correct until you talk about color, at which point you have several errors. I raised them for 6 years, I have studied the breed and on this point you are wrong. At birth they are not black and white, they are totally white. Most Siamese cats have short, single-layered fur that is ivory, cream, or beige in color. And they do not have "some patch of another color", they have defined areas called points, which acquire a coloration markedly darker than the body. These points are located exclusively on the face, forming a mask from the muzzle to touching the ears, ears, legs and tail, that is, all its extremities. These points must be uniform and if they can be of several colors, which are also defined: Dark brown (almost black) is the seal point variety and is the most widespread; the slightly less intense brown, called chocolate point; the gray called blue point; the lilac point, the red point, and the tabby that has the areas of the brindle points. In all cases his eyes are blue. There are other races that come from the Siamese as the Seychelloir, for example, with particular characteristics, but they are another race.
The truth is that yours is not very serious, it costs me to believe that you raise cats if you can't write. Years goes with Ñ. Incredible that you write bad year without counting the rest of spelling horrors.
The truth is Sandra is very right, she has studied about these cats and anyone can have a spelling error, which does not mean that she does not know what she is talking about.
Greetings, I have a Siamese cat that I adopted with a month of gestation, she already gave birth to 4 kittens of which three came out totally white and one tabby, this I think came to the father, as for the other three white I want to know in how many weeks they take the color characteristic of the siamese than the mother's color, thank you
Hello Roberto.
Siamese cats finish taking on their characteristic color around the age of 3. In any case, in the coming months they will progressively change color.
A greeting.
everyone is wrong Siamese cats are born white I explain: normal tyrosinase converts the amino acid "tyrosine" into melanin (pigment). In Siamese cats with the “cs” gene, the enzyme is
denatures at body temperature and only works by activating the production of melanin in the coldest areas of the body,
therefore the color only develops in cold areas or extremities (tail, legs, ears and nose) increasing the amount
Hi! Why two Siamese cats have 4 young. 2 like the hemba and the other two one gray with white lines and the other black
Hello, I had a Siamese cat which had black and white pups just like the male cat that would be the father, now I stayed with a completely black pup because I loved it, it is crossed with a yellow tabby cat- pulling orange, but of the 8 pups 3 were born completely white and are now one month old and their ears, nose, tail and legs with blue eyes began to be painted. My question is if it can happen that perhaps this black cat daughter of a Siamese cat can have Siamese pups because I am really puzzled.
Hi Mabel.
From what you count, the father is not Siamese. The offspring he had are crosses, and therefore the offspring of your cat will be 50% Siamese and 50% of the male's breed.
A greeting.
If you have to go through life like this, Seba, that if Sandra has put with ň or without ň, from what I see this girl has written about Siamese with all the good intention in the world and a person like you without scruples does not you deserve no one to say good morning to you.
Very interesting the subject of Siamese cats, I have learned a lot. Thank you all for the information. All the best
We are glad that you have been of interest, Verónica.
Hello, a query, Sandra, my cat is similar to a Siamese for the characteristics you described, it is medium gray osico I think black legs and tail. Blue eyes color but the strange thing is that their legs have like a white glove. I never saw a Siamese like this. Is it pure or cross?
Hello Andrea.
Most likely it is a cross, since Siamese cats have a dark face and legs.
A greeting.
Hello everybody! Thank you for your contributions. You always learn something new. I have had Siamese cats since I was very young, I mean, ufffff ages ago. I tell you that one of my Siamese kittens once had 2 white kittens (the same as her) and one totally black but with blue eyes (equal to the color of the father) because despite having held her prisoner 'at home and having brought her boyfriend from her race, I was in love with a very black neighbor who sat on the roof of the garden adjoining my house to disturb my kitten of race and ancestry hahaha 🙂 in an oversight it will have escaped us and the result was evident since it was never left do nothing of the boyfriend that we get him; on the contrary he growled at him and climbed to the highest step of the ladder from where he was staring at him and did not allow him to move.
This breed is very special and they live for many years. Currently I have a kitten that has just turned 11 years old and he is just as playful, naughty and curious as if he were a young kitten :) The main thing is to deworm and vaccinate him annually- and a strict diet with cat food that does not allow him to get fat, then despite they are sterilized, their weight must be kept balanced. If we take care of it they can live from 15 to 18 years :)
Hello. My cat is white but she was crossed with a Siamese and her kittens are totally white and one gray.
I'm still hopeful that one would come out like the pope, it was so beautiful! This post has clarified many doubts that I have had since yesterday they were born. Thank you for clarifying how they are born.